

Hiii! Today was a long day :D We went to visit Gregs sister at her farm about one hour from Indianapolis. It was so much fun!! They had a donkey, his name was Jack, he was so cute! And they had horses and dogs and cats and AH! We even got to fish in one of their ponds. We catched some small ones but the fish were smart. They took all the bait without us noticing it so it was a lot of waiting. Greg splashed loads of water on me and made me put a worm on the hook. DISGUSTING!! 
btw: It was a storm here this night.. I woke up and there were like flashes all over the sky. I vidoetaped it, it's on facebook. It was scary as shiiiiiit. Never been through anything like it and they said that that was onoly a small one..... That sometimes it can be like tornadoes. Lovely!!


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