We decorated the choir hallway yesterday for our competition!! It's so pretty now :D 
Soon I'll be going to our rehearsal and tomorrow we have our pre-show!! I'm getting nervous now, but it'll be fine :)
Here comes a post in Swedish now but I really wanted to do this Quiz :D have nothing to do ;p
Vad heter hon?- Hannah Signe Hilevi Lubell (eller hur man nu stavar hennes mellannamn)
Vad var det sista hon sa till dig?- På skype.. hej då I guess :s
Vad brukar hon säga när hon kommer hem?- HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEJ, eller typ I'm back
Vem umgås hon mest med?- Mannen i sitt liv ;) Nora
Har hon någonsin haft en pojkvän?- ne, oskuld
Har hon en speciell lukt?- Har inte alla det? :s
Kan du hennes mobilnummer?- Nee, hon har det svåraste i familjen. är det 0703.. eller 0730? 
Vad är typiskt henne?- Hon är lite knasig
Är hon din lillasyster?- I wish
Är hon din tvilling?- VA BÄST OM VI VA TVILLINGAR, men ne
Är hon din storasyter?- Yeees
Hur många år skiljer det mellan er?- ungefär 3? 
Har ni samma föräldrar?- dom bästa :)
Brukar ni göra saker tillsammans?- När hon bodde hemma, ja
Kan ni prata om allt?- Öppnar mig inte för många, men jag skulle nog kunna berätta allt för henne. Vet att hon inte skulle säga till nån
Kan ni skratta åt allt?- Jaa, fy. Vår humor
Bor ni i samma hushåll?- Niiix
Umgås ni med samma människor?- Njeee, men har inget emot när hon är med mig och mina kompisar
Är ni ofta sams?- Jaa, vi bråkar väl aldrig men jag kan bli rätt dryg ibland hehe. PMS
Tycker du att ni har en bra relation?- yees, det tycker jag väl :)
Tror du hon tycker det?- Hoppas jag :s
Samma skola?- Hon är ju vuxen och arbetar serru
Samma musik?- Jaa, vi tycker om det mesta :)
Vad var det sista du sa till henne?- Byeeee
Tjaffsade sist?- Don't remember
Uppskattar du henne?- Jaa, det gör jag <3
Litar du på henne?- hon kommer alltid finnas där
När träffade du henne sist?- 3 Augusti, 2012
Brukar du sno grejer av henne?- nee, finns inget att sno ;)
Är det du som startar era fighter?- I guess... 
Ställer du upp för henne om hon behöver?- I vått och torrt
Om du såg henne gråta, skulle du gå dit?- Jaaaaaaaaaa??
Till sist, älskar du henne?- Soo much, hon är en syster värd guld


Had a lunch date with Em before or 5h rehearsal at Quiznos. My new favorit place!! 
Yep, had a 5h rehearsal today and now I'm exhausted. Our coreografer was not very nice to us today, which I thought was good. Because now we have the whole show done and only have to practice to make it the best it can be. 
Hiiii, no school today because of the icy roads! 
This has probably been my most boring day ever... Nothing to do, nothing to watch, no homework... We don't even have any good food to eat. 
Looked through my pictures and found a bunch from my video class last semester. It's me and my friend Lavand. I miss him, I never see him now D: 
I'm praying for a 2 hours delay tomorrow! It's hailing so the roads are covered in ice. 
Had my last cheering today! :(( The season is over for mee and I turned in my unifrom.. I'll miss it so much. I bought the team some cupcakes to say thaanks. 
BUT NOW! 100% focus on the SHOW CHOIR!!
President Day today! 
Me and Hannah went to the movies. Saw the movie Warm Bodies and it was actually good :) Strated off pretty bad but it grew. then we walked around the mall for a couple of hours.
Not ready for school tomorrow though, every body is sick and I DONT WANTED TO BECOME SICK.
Yesterday I went with Greg to a wedding that he had at the library downtown. The view from the top floor was pretty neat :) After that we went to the mall and shopped before we picked Christopher up from the airport. 
Today I don't think I'll do something special but now I'm gonna watch Melodifestivalen! 
Had a concert today! It was very short and we didn't do any dancing. This concert was with Hip Street (my "old" choir). We did decent, it wasn't bad. Not a lot of people came though ahah. 
This weekend is three days looong!! Presidents Day on Monday :D No school, and that's lovelyyy.
Yesterday it was senior night for the cheerleaders and basketball players. We dressed up during school and then during the game at the evening they called the seniors name and we walked around the court. It was a bit awkward but also super fun (!!) They said: "Senior Moa Lubell all the way from Sweden!!" yaay ;D I got a teddy bear, a poster and a bunch of candy from the team! 
AND TODAY WAS VALENTINE'S DAY!! Delivered singing telegrams today too, ihihih. Can't believe so many people bought them. I guess it's funny to embarrass your friends ;) Got some cute gifts from Greg and Minerva then a girl from New Dimension had bought us all flowers! cuuuute :D rehearsal today was to exhausting.. We danced all the time and the band was there. Double the energy! 

Me and Hannah wore our superhero sweaters today that we bought yesterday!! I'm SUPERMAN!! 
In New Dimension we delivered singing telegrams. It's a fundraiser, people pay us $2 to have us go and sing a love song to their "crush", girlfriend or whatever this week to celebrate valentines day. We were interupting everyone in the middle of class so they would be a bit embarressed. There were a lot of people who bought them!! We went in pairs and I sang with Kathie. A girl started crying when we sand "Bleeding love" for her, I was like AWW happy valentines day!! 
Today I went to the mall with Hannah and we shopped a loooot!! I bought my prom dress :DI'm not gonna post a picture of it, you'll have to wait ;) and finally I have some new socks.... 
Now I'm sitting on the floor with Daeul, she broke my chair,  and we are listening to music. Both of us very addicted to Begging- Anton Ewald. Tomorrow it's school again, this weekend passed to fast even though I didn't do anything yesterday. 
AAAAAAAAAH OMG! what a cutieeeeeee, and he only made it to the second chans? Sweden, come on. And Sean Banan got through straight to the final......? gosh 
No cheering for me this weekend!! Just relax, aah <3 Me and Greg went to have breakfast at the cutest place this morning, called the 3 sisters cafe. It was really yummiyum. 
Me and Hannah are going shopping tomorrow! It's been a while now haha. NEED TO SHOP!
                                                   GOOO SWEDEN!!!                                                                                                                                          -
ALL OF YOU SHOULD READ WHAT IT SAYS IN THE FIRTS PICTURE! Because that's what it said in my science book and I got so proud. Beeest country ever!! 
And yea, the note in the second picture is a D, so it says "She wants the D". We are so mature in New Dimension. ;D We had rehearsal today with the band AND IT WAS AWESOME! they are so good. This is gonna be toooo coooool!! Can't wait for competition. 
School today was too boring! Nothing interesting happened. Hannah made this cool brade in my hair during Spanish class. She had four sets of hair instead of three, looks awesome! 
Greg took me to get my dance shoes when he got home and on our way back we saw a car with their plate saying; SWEDEN 1. LIKE WHAT?? why..? When I saw it I was like: SWEDEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!! and Greg was like: OMG WE HAVE TO TAKE A PICTUREEE!! WHERE IS MY PHONE? Haha, it was too hilarious.
Greg woke me up at 4 am this morning so I could go with him and drop Christopher off at the airport because he is going to Mexico for 2 week with his job! I know I just went there but I'd love to go back!! Like now.
Me and Greg stopped and had breakfast and then we went home and back to sleep. I sleept for a few hours and then I did some homework! 
Because we didn't really have time to celebrate my birthday this week, I'm kind of busy, we went out for dinner today. Don't remember where but it was good. When we came home again we watched the SuperBowl. The biggest fotball game of the year, it's HUGE here. The teames were the San Francisco 49ers against the Baltimore Ravens. Minerva wanted the 49ers to win and Greg cheered for Ravens, like me. Don't know why but they seemed good. They had a power outage after the half time after Beyonce's performance that took like a half an hour to fix but the Ravens won :D
Thank God for SVT Play!! I could watch Melodifestivalen! 
I just have to say that the songs sucked... Gosa? What was that? In my opinion David Lindgren was the best. Yohio's song was good but I don't think... it will do so good in the Eurovision contest.
And Simon Säborg definitaly have a twin! Danny looks and even talks just like him. But that body *-*
Now I have to get ready for the game we have tonight! See yah!  
We had another 2 hours delay because of the "cold" weather today. Started at 10 am so we got to sleep in!! Then the schedule was all messed up but the day just flew away. We took out yearbook picture with the dance class today! :) 
Then after school the cheerteam went to Steak 'n Shake to celebrate my birthday and they all sang for me! So sweeet. Then before we got back to the school to get ready for the game we stopped by Chastina's house to get her stuff. She had 4 dogs and they were all CRAZY! One of the humped on Maleina's leg 5000 times and another one bit a whole in Jazzmyne's bag. But we were laughing all the time because every one was freaking out!
There were so many stidents at the game!! The students section took almost up a whole bleacher. And they did this awesome thing in the begining.  They were screaming like crazy and when the first player got the ball they all just freezed until the cats scored their first point and then they started to scream and jump as crazy again. It was so cool. We lost with 3 points and that kind of sucked...