Football game


First football game!! It was LN (Lawrence North) vs LC (Lawrence Central). Of course I didn't understand a thing but it was amazing!! Almost every student had paint in their faces or on their bodys and everybody cheered. GO WILDCATS GO!! but we were awful... I'm serious. At halftime it was 44-0 to LC... so we decided to leave. But with a smile on our faces :) Next game we will take them!! 
Now it's the end of the first week in school, yay. It is so different and I still get lost in that huge building. Besides that it's super but I can't find my locker HEHE ain't that gr8? I'm gonna ask someone on monday to help me but for now I'm sharing with a really nice guy from my science and math class. 
Some things that are different: The schools lunch is actually good but you have to pay for it. They have everything: hamburgers, salads, sandwiches, pizza, chinafood etc. In the beginnig of the first period everyday you stand up and you have to hold you right hand over your heart and say some lines about how great America is or something. The bell rings when class is over and it's forbidden to leave before that, the bell rings 5 min before class starts and then when it starts so you know when to, kind of, hurry up.  


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