He f*ucki' loves it


haha, love this picture. It's sooo hilarious. I die of laughter every time I see it!! I have no pictures for the blog so I chose this one! 
The math test was not that bad accually. The teacher went through almoste every question right before the test... I was like: Are u kiddin' me? IT WAS GOOD, it's not that but... why? Jaja. When I'm doing a test (in any subject) I try to hold on to it as long as possible so if I come up something I can add it. But I noticed that at the end of the period everyone was staring at me and my paper (it just laid on my desk), even the teacher and I started to look around and I saw that everyone had turned in their paper. so I asked: Are you waiting for me? and everyone was like: YES! haha so awkward... 
Had cheerleading practice today, only two laps on the track. Hallelulja, it's not funny to run in this heat. I feel bad for the football players that have all that equipment on them while they are training. I got to try to fly when we practiced stunts (that's when you're in the air). It was so fun, but the first time was a little bit scary. If I keep on practicing on that I will probebly be a flier. 
I would have cheered on tomorrows game but I have not received my uniform yet but if I get it tomorrow I might do it. Otherwise I'll just wait til next week, and that's good! 'cause then I can learn all of the cheers. I only now like 4 or 5 of them.  


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