Merry christmas


We celebrated christmas todaay! because we're going to Mexico over the holiday :) 
Ryan came over with his kids and we opened presents. Addy got a big doll house that Greg built, ALL BY HIM SELF. It was so awesome, and all the small details were so cute! She loved it. She also got all the furniture to it. Branton got a computer and he was crazy about it! He even have the new Windows 8. 
I got money, a gift card to the movie theater, jewelry, adapters to the power outlets from Chris 'cause I stole his heheh, and a memory card for my phone. 
Greg has a special thing every year, everybody goes treasure haunting! you get a clue, that lead you to another clue, that lead you to another one and so on til you find your treasure. It was so funny! He hide a clue under my chair in the bedroom and I was like: WHEN DID YOU PUT IT THERE? 
hope you all are having a good time in Sweden, xoxo

3 kommentarer


17 Dec 2012 11:52

Så fin du är då, gumman !!
Kul med lite annat perspektiv på julfirande.

Svar: Tack pappa! <3 haha ja, vi får göra det nästa år! :D


19 Dec 2012 20:11

haha vad gör du med handen?? :)

Svar: vilken hand? :O


21 Dec 2012 19:42

Guuud du är så fiin Moa!! Ha det så bra i Mexico, pusspuss <3

Svar: du är fin Maya! love u <3


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