Mom and dad, I love you!


YAAY! Mom and dad sent me some caaandyyyy!! <3 Paradis chocolate box, gingerbread and a cross-word magazine. The dot over the "i", as we say in Sweden. BEST-PARENTS-EVER.
I told the family here that they had to finish the first layer of chocolates before they moved on to the next one (they don't have stuff like that here) and everyone was like: why? It's an unwritten rule! But they loved it, Deaul was amazed! she was like: OMG BEST CHOCOLATE I'VE EVER HAD!!! All that's missing now is the christmas music. No one listens to christmas music in our house :( like seriously... WHERE'S THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT?! they don't even have a radio... so I sit in my room and listens to it by myself!   

3 kommentarer


04 Dec 2012 12:47

Du får väl säga till dem att införskaffa lite julmusik och sedan får ni baka lite pepparkakor så kanske ni alla får lite julstämning.

Svar: vi ska göra de nästa helg när deras släkt kommer hit! :)


05 Dec 2012 18:46

haha föreställer mig dig sitta i ditt rum typ helt emo o ba lyssnar på musik helt emotionless heheeh

Svar: that's how I roll!


08 Dec 2012 13:06

hahaha, all christmas spirit läggs på dekorationerna xD <3

Svar: tyyyyyyyyyp <3


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