Black Friday


Today has been so crazy and weeeird! 
At midnight me and Daeul went to Anastatzie's house 'cause were going Black Friday shopping with her and her sister. Sadly.. her sister forgot about us and we were stuck at her house for two hours because we had no ride to the mall. So Daeul decided to call Minerva and she is such an angel and took us to the mall even though she hates Black Friday! IT WAS SO COOL, there were people everywhere. And the saaaales, wow. Two pairs of shoes for $15 in one store.. DEAL! <3 At 5 am we went home. I WAS SHOPPING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT !! isn't that cool?
I slept for some hours and then at 1pm Francois called me and wanted to go shopping... so I got up again and he picked me up. He wanted to buy some hoodies and.. well it took him 15 min and then he was done.. I was like: Yeaaaa, I haven't even started! 
Love it, xoxo

1 kommentarer


24 Nov 2012 01:01

Åh vad kul!!! :O <33 himmelriket

Svar: De va sjuukt ! <3


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