In this crazy world of choices I've only got a few


for once, I actually felt good after doing a history test. Had a test today about the Civil War in America and I think I passed... must be the first one. 
The school musical was today and I went with Hannah. It was really good, very surprised about that. They were such good acters. The name of the musical was "Anything goes", had never heard about it but it was really cute. The story was almost like Titanic. 

2 kommentarer


17 Nov 2012 21:03

DU är så vacker gumman! Saknar dig <3

Svar: du är Lisah!! saknar dig oxå <3


18 Nov 2012 13:52

Grattis idag den 18 nov har du namnsdag. Kul att det går bra i skolan. Många kramar

Svar: Oj, de hade jag glömt bort! Tack. puss <3


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