It's Friday, Friday!


This daay was so booooooooring! First in APES (enviromental science) we did nothing! We had nothing to do... I played Fruit Ninja for 90 min. Then in Interdisc (eng&hi) they did collage research stuff and I'm not going to collage here so I didn't have to do anything in that class either, AND MY COMPUTER DIED IN VIDEO COM!! so I decided to play Fruit Ninja for 90 min again... My scores are awesome now, just so you know. But after lunch I had math and that was actually the highlight of the day! The guys I sit next to in there are so funny and they really cheered me up :)
Now I'm probably gonna watch Vampire Diaries and Teen Wolf. It's weird to be home on a Friday.. not having a football game :s kind of boring.. 

1 kommentarer


10 Nov 2012 11:03

Skulle ni inte cheera för ngt basketlag??

Svar: Jo men de börjar om två veckor :)


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