Cutest dogs



The dogs are sooo cute when they are sleeping!! And here they are, all six of them. Harry is the biggest one, my baby <3 Sometimes Teresa (Minervas mom) dress them. I feel kind of bad for them but they are so cute!!! Fifi is the dog on the last picture. I love them but sometimes I just want to ... not open the door when I let them out the backyar if you know what I mean. They bark all day, well it feels like. They sleep in Christophers room so every morning when he goes up, they bark, and it's like 30 min before me and Daeul is supposed to go up. That pisses me off every morning, and when you get home; they bark, and sometimes they even bark without reason.
But today was the last day of school for this week. Now it is FALL BREAK! don't really know what I'm going to do but I'll figure it out :) 
btw: Yesterday and today it was like 20 degrees outside and tomorrow is gonna be about the same!! 

1 kommentarer


25 Oct 2012 21:27

"That pisses me off every morning, and when you get home; they bark, and sometimes they even bark without reason." Hahahaha så jävla priceless <3

Svar: hahahaha sant juuu <3


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