La fiesta


Yesterday we were at a thing called La Fiesta down town. It was something to celebrate the independence.. for mexicans? I don't know (fail)... They had Latin American food everywhere and on the stage the played music and held speeches. I have finally tried churros :D (anna) It was really good.
When we got home we cooked our own mexican food, it was yummiii! And everybody helped :) Then later at night me, Christofer and Daeul stayed up all night playing cards and pool and we watched one episode of "Doctor Who ". I think we went to bed at 3.30 am or something. And as you see on the last picture I won the cardgame. The first to 100 won... Hahah easyyy ;) I don't know what's it with me and winning now a days but when I turn 18 I'm gonna by a lottery ticket and pray to win a lot of money!! 

2 kommentarer


16 Sep 2012 20:39

Det är mexicos independens day ;) ( har en mexican i min klass som berättade det för mig annars skulle jag inte ha en aning hehe)

Svar: Haha, okej! Tack Ebba :D


16 Sep 2012 22:30

Åh churros, vad tyckte du om de gudagåvorna?!
Saknar dej, puss!!<3

Svar: SJUKT GOTT, speciellt med choklad. Saknar dig oxå! <3


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