Second competition


we had our second competition yesterday! Spent the night at Emily's with Kayla and this weekend New D wanted to do something fun for the whole band and stage crew. We did spirit boxes! Everybody in the band, stage crew and New D filled out a form of what kind of things they like, best candy, animal etc. and the choir girls picked teo or three to do (a box with the stuff they liked). On my box it said I love you in Swedish (weell, almost) and had the swedish flag around it. Sooo sweet. I got nailpolish, peanuts in different way and other stuff! 
The competition was okay. We didn't perform until 1.10 pm and we didn't make the finals but we did so much better this week than last week. Improoovment :D 
It was an hour drive to the school where we performed so before we went home we stopped for dinner at this super cool place. Almost like StirCrazy where we ate at Daeul's birthday. 
Now I'm gonna watch Melodifestivalen and see who won!!! I have no idea actually. 
Btw: for those that wonder. We have a costume change in our show. We start of with the long dresses and then we change into the Elvis clothes before the last song.

1 kommentarer


13 Mar 2013 11:12

Så jäkla fiiiiiin är du!!! Har inte komenterat så mkt men läser varje inlägg :) puss på dej finis!!!<333

Svar: taack underbara du!! <33 du gör mig så glad när du säger så, ibland känns de som att ja skriver till mig själv lol!


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