Today has been so crazy and weeeird! 
At midnight me and Daeul went to Anastatzie's house 'cause were going Black Friday shopping with her and her sister. Sadly.. her sister forgot about us and we were stuck at her house for two hours because we had no ride to the mall. So Daeul decided to call Minerva and she is such an angel and took us to the mall even though she hates Black Friday! IT WAS SO COOL, there were people everywhere. And the saaaales, wow. Two pairs of shoes for $15 in one store.. DEAL! <3 At 5 am we went home. I WAS SHOPPING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT !! isn't that cool?
I slept for some hours and then at 1pm Francois called me and wanted to go shopping... so I got up again and he picked me up. He wanted to buy some hoodies and.. well it took him 15 min and then he was done.. I was like: Yeaaaa, I haven't even started! 
Love it, xoxo
Happy Thanksgiving!! 
My first (and probably only) Thanksgiving :D Off from school today, lovely! at 9 am Minerva put the turkey in the oven, it was suppose it be in there for 4 hours :O I contribute with making meatballs and mashed potatoes, haha! At 1 pm Greg's son Ryan and his family came over and we had a Thanksgiving dinner :) After that Daeul, Minerva and the kids went outside for a walk and me, Greg and Ryan stayed inside to watch the football game. Omgosh.... THEY FARTED ALL THE TIME. Jesus, it was so nasty... When the others came back they had picked up a bunch of pine cones and we decided to make them cuteee, and then suddenly we were on the floor painting. It was so fun! 
Now me and Daeul are waiting for the clock to be 12 so we can go SHOPPING! :D 
Happy Halloweeeeen!!! 
So I went trick or treating today for THE FIRST TIME! I think :s If I didn't do it when I was younger.. But it was so cool!! There were people everywhere, in all different ages! Just like a movie! Me and Payton walked around for about 2 hours. We got tons of candy, and they had this rule. If the house had their light on the outside of the house off, they didn't have any candy! So you would know. So we were running aroung everywhere, it was hilarious! And some houses had a bowl outside that said "take one", yeah right.. Then when we got home we traded some candy. I'm already tired of it..... I'll be eating candy for weeks.... but it was so worth it !! :D
btw: we were supposed to be pandas.. but what ever... 
We carved pumpkins at the house todaaay!
This is mine :D It's not three pumpkins, it's just different sides. I'm not that good, but it was my first one. Except for the one at the party but Danielle did the most part on that one. Daeul wrote "Be aware Japan" on hers, haha I laught so hard when she said that. 
Yesterday morning me, Daeul and Greg went to a orchard. We were supposed to meet Kathy and some other exchangestudents there but noone came. They had all gone to Kathy's house. so we decided to do that to. We hade some fall food (carmel apples, chili con carne etc). It was fun to talk to the other exchangestudents and hear how they are having it. 
Then Danielle came to my house 'cause we were going to a Halloween party! We dressed up as vampires, or we were supposed to. We failed. The party was super fun! We carved pupmkins, watched movies, and ate fooooood. 
Homecoming-day is over! Wow, that went by quickly!! 
The beginning of the day was a bit fail because we were supposed to do a flash-mob in the commens (cafeteria) but they never put on the music... .so we just walked away. And then thet cancelled the peparaly so we didn't do our dance ;/ Before the game started there was a thing in the field house. I dont know what they called it but you could get your face painted, there was free food, you could jump bouncy caslte and some people performed etc. Funfunfun. We did our dance in there instead! :D
At the game it was raining :( but we were allowd to were out warmupsssss, so happy for that!! And then I got a little present from the cheerleaders because it was the seniors night! So cute of them!! Got a flower, a t-shirt that  some of the cheerleaders had written on and a picture of the Varsity team. After the game it was the DANCE! In the beginning there was like no one there... but in the end it got better and I was super hyper and was dancing and had a great time! I met the prom king, he was super nice! It so fun to hear Americans trying to pronounce my name. 
Have a super duper weekend. 
After school and cheer-practice Greg took me to a basketball game! It was so cool, I liked it a loot! The game was really tight but in the end Fever won with 71-59. They caught up in the fourth period. 
As entertainment during half time some people did some tricks with their dogs. Cutes thing ever!! I'm gonna uplaod a video on Facebook so you can see :) 

Today I cheered at the gaame!! :D I was so nervous before we started but it wasn't that bad. Nobody really cared about us haha, just the game! I messed up sometimes but it was my first time! Sadly Indianapolis were hit by a storm again and the game was cancelled in the end of second quater. 
The blond girl on the pictures and kind of looks like me is Hannah! She is a really good friend, helped me a lot with the cheers before the game today (she's cheering for JV but at homegames everybody cheers together). Many of the cheerleaders stayed after in school to practice and do some homework. 
Finally weekend too! School may be fun, but weekends are the best thing that exists. 

I'm so happy, I'm going to cheer on Friday as a VARSITY! 
I get that most of you don't know what versity is, even I don't, but I'll explain the best I can. There are three different groups of cheerleaders: varsity, JV and freshman. Varsity, they cheer for the "big" football team on Friday games. JV cheers for the JV football team (if something like that excists) and what JV means (junior varsity) that they are not as good as the ones in the varsity team. Freshmans, they cheer for the freshmans teams (I guess). Don't hate me if I got this wrong, I'm just happy that I get to cheer!
Yesterday were we at Kings Island, (it's like Gröna Lund). The pictures pretty much speaks for them selfs but when we go there I wanted to go on the biggest roller coaster first, of course. Afterwards I felt awful... never felt like that before haha. It took about 30 min before I found myself. It's the roller coaster on the second pictuer, the first drop has an angle on 74 degrees and is 66 m. It felt like it went down for an eternity and it had a speed on 130 km/h. 
Greg won a basketball for me :D and something you got to do when you at an amusment park is go on a carousel. Then me and Greg went on a thing where you got really wet so we had to dry off in a "Family dryer".
And the things we are holding in is ice cream!! It was sooo good!! <3
btw: the final score in the football game was 70-0 to LC... GO LN!!!
First football game!! It was LN (Lawrence North) vs LC (Lawrence Central). Of course I didn't understand a thing but it was amazing!! Almost every student had paint in their faces or on their bodys and everybody cheered. GO WILDCATS GO!! but we were awful... I'm serious. At halftime it was 44-0 to LC... so we decided to leave. But with a smile on our faces :) Next game we will take them!! 
Now it's the end of the first week in school, yay. It is so different and I still get lost in that huge building. Besides that it's super but I can't find my locker HEHE ain't that gr8? I'm gonna ask someone on monday to help me but for now I'm sharing with a really nice guy from my science and math class. 
Some things that are different: The schools lunch is actually good but you have to pay for it. They have everything: hamburgers, salads, sandwiches, pizza, chinafood etc. In the beginnig of the first period everyday you stand up and you have to hold you right hand over your heart and say some lines about how great America is or something. The bell rings when class is over and it's forbidden to leave before that, the bell rings 5 min before class starts and then when it starts so you know when to, kind of, hurry up.  
Hiii! Today was a long day :D We went to visit Gregs sister at her farm about one hour from Indianapolis. It was so much fun!! They had a donkey, his name was Jack, he was so cute! And they had horses and dogs and cats and AH! We even got to fish in one of their ponds. We catched some small ones but the fish were smart. They took all the bait without us noticing it so it was a lot of waiting. Greg splashed loads of water on me and made me put a worm on the hook. DISGUSTING!! 
btw: It was a storm here this night.. I woke up and there were like flashes all over the sky. I vidoetaped it, it's on facebook. It was scary as shiiiiiit. Never been through anything like it and they said that that was onoly a small one..... That sometimes it can be like tornadoes. Lovely!!